Below are links to several websites that you may find useful as you prepare to receive your Nebraska and Iowa Concealed Carry permits. If you still can't find what you're looking for, check out our FAQ page.
Nebraska State Patrol
This link will take you to the NSP Concealed Carry page. Under Quick Links you will find very important info, including Rules and Regulations, How to Apply and Renew, Forms/Documents, FAQ, and Nebraska Reciprocity.
Permit Application For Nebraska
This link will take you to the Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit Application. You will be given a copy of this application when taking the Freedom Concealed Carry class.
Permit Application for Iowa
This link will take you to the Iowa Application for Permit to Carry Weapon. You will be given a copy of this applicatoin when taking the Freedom Concealed Carry class.
Reciprocity Map
This link will take you to the USA Carry site. Click on a state and the map will show info regarding where you can and where you cannot use that particular state's permit regarding other states.
Nebraska Title 272, Chapter 21
This link will take you to TITLE 272, NEBRASKA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, CHAPTER 21 which covers the Concealed Carry Permit. Code Section 018 Prohibited Places and Premises tells you the places where you can and cannot carry.
Iowa Department of Public Safety
This link will take you to the Administrative Services Division regarding Weapon Permits. Important information to review are Chapter 724 of the Iowa Code and Administrative Rules, 661, Chapter 91 along with information regarding changes to SF2379.